Token 2.7.195 Driver Download For Windows

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  2. Token 2.7.195 Driver Download For Windows 10

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An access token is an object that describes the security context of a process or thread. The information in a token includes the identity and privileges of the user account associated with the process or thread. When a user logs on, the system verifies the user's password by comparing it with information stored in a security database. If the password is authenticated, the system produces an access token. Every process executed on behalf of this user has a copy of this access token.

The system uses an access token to identify the user when a thread interacts with a securable object or tries to perform a system task that requires privileges. Access tokens contain the following information:

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  • The security identifier (SID) for the user's account
  • SIDs for the groups of which the user is a member
  • A logon SID that identifies the current logon session
  • A list of the privileges held by either the user or the user's groups
  • An owner SID
  • The SID for the primary group
  • The default DACL that the system uses when the user creates a securable object without specifying a security descriptor
  • The source of the access token
  • Whether the token is a primary or impersonation token
  • An optional list of restricting SIDs
  • Current impersonation levels
  • Other statistics

Every process has a primary token that describes the security context of the user account associated with the process. By default, the system uses the primary token when a thread of the process interacts with a securable object. Moreover, a thread can impersonate a client account. Impersonation allows the thread to interact with securable objects using the client's security context. A thread that is impersonating a client has both a primary token and an impersonation token.

Use the OpenProcessToken function to retrieve a handle to the primary token of a process. Use the OpenThreadToken function to retrieve a handle to the impersonation token of a thread. For more information, see Impersonation.

You can use the following functions to manipulate access tokens.

AdjustTokenGroupsChanges the group information in an access token.
AdjustTokenPrivilegesEnables or disables the privileges in an access token. It does not grant new privileges or revoke existing ones.
CheckTokenMembershipDetermines whether a specified SID is enabled in a specified access token.
CreateRestrictedTokenCreates a new token that is a restricted version of an existing token. The restricted token can have disabled SIDs, deleted privileges, and a list of restricted SIDs.
DuplicateTokenCreates a new impersonation token that duplicates an existing token.
DuplicateTokenExCreates a new primary token or impersonation token that duplicates an existing token.
GetTokenInformationRetrieves information about a token.
IsTokenRestrictedDetermines whether a token has a list of restricting SIDs.
OpenProcessTokenRetrieves a handle to the primary access token for a process.
OpenThreadTokenRetrieves a handle to the impersonation access token for a thread.
SetThreadTokenAssigns or removes an impersonation token for a thread.
SetTokenInformationChanges a token's owner, primary group, or default DACL.

The access token functions use the following structures to describe the parts of an access token.

TOKEN_CONTROLInformation that identifies an access token.
TOKEN_DEFAULT_DACLThe default DACL that the system uses in the security descriptors of new objects created by a thread.
TOKEN_GROUPSSpecifies the SIDs and attributes of the group SIDs in an access token.
TOKEN_OWNERThe default owner SID for the security descriptors of new objects.
TOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUPThe default primary group SID for the security descriptors of new objects.
TOKEN_PRIVILEGESThe privileges associated with an access token. Also determines whether the privileges are enabled.
TOKEN_SOURCEThe source of an access token.
TOKEN_STATISTICSStatistics associated with an access token.
TOKEN_USERThe SID of the user associated with an access token.

The access token functions use the following enumeration types.

Enumeration typeSpecifies
TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASSIdentifies the type of information being set or retrieved from an access token.
TOKEN_TYPEIdentifies an access token as a primary or impersonation token.

Current Stable PHP 8.0.2 (Changelog)

  • php-8.0.2.tar.gz(sig) [15,718Kb] 04 Feb 2021cc17a32f76beb5f405da39a548218b3b6736710884fcd761838098553df149da
  • php-8.0.2.tar.bz2(sig) [12,658Kb] 04 Feb 2021000fa89e3eae317c0b17ee048229cd68a38a3b0fef72c558681fd004057ba3e6
  • php-8.0.2.tar.xz(sig) [10,401Kb] 04 Feb 202184dd6e36f48c3a71ff5dceba375c1f6b34b71d4fa9e06b720780127176468ccc
Token 2.7.195 Driver Download For WindowsDriverGPG Keys for PHP 8.0

Current Stable PHP 7.4.15 (Changelog)

  • php-7.4.15.tar.gz(sig) [16,196Kb] 04 Feb 2021c7403988b69212335dec79e869abe9dbb23d60ea7f6eb16fd6ff99ed6b5f1c87
  • php-7.4.15.tar.bz2(sig) [12,493Kb] 04 Feb 20211bd7be0293446c3d3cbe3c9fae6045119af0798fb0869db61932796dc23a7757
  • php-7.4.15.tar.xz(sig) [10,090Kb] 04 Feb 20219b859c65f0cf7b3eff9d4a28cfab719fb3d36a1db3c20d874a79b5ec44d43cb8
GPG Keys for PHP 7.4Driver

Old Stable PHP 7.3.27 (Changelog)

  • php-7.3.27.tar.gz(sig) [19,215Kb] 04 Feb 20214b7b9bd0526ad3f2c8d6fd950ea7b0ab2478b5b09755c6a620a4f3bcfbf59154
  • php-7.3.27.tar.bz2(sig) [14,791Kb] 04 Feb 20219d2006f5e835acf5e408e34d8050a4935f2121ab18bda42775a27ed59bdae003
  • php-7.3.27.tar.xz(sig) [11,853Kb] 04 Feb 202165f616e2d5b6faacedf62830fa047951b0136d5da34ae59e6744cbaf5dca148d

Token 2.7.195 Driver Download For Windows Xp

GPG Keys for PHP 7.3

GPG Keys

The releases are tagged and signed in the PHP Git Repository.The following official GnuPG keys of the current PHP Release Manager can be usedto verify the tags:

Token 2.7.195 Driver Download For Windows 10

PHP 8.0

PHP 7.4

PHP 7.3

Supported Versions
Check the supported versions page for more information on the support lifetime of each version of PHP.